body { background: url("")

First tears

Hi dear user, i gotta present myself right? My user is called "sillycreature" nice to meet you! I really like music and art so i willl be posting drawings of my ocs, and other information about me! i hope you enjoy your time in this page! This is my neocities acount if you want to check it out! (this website is still on progress so be patient if it doesnt look that good)Neocities.

First words of a talentless artist

one of my oc ideas started on gacha life, i know its quite cringy but every idea has a start point,right? I was used to see those cringy ahh videos and out of all that brainrot, A

Here's how you can add an image:

Here's how to make a list:

  • First thing
  • Second thing
  • Third thing

examples: idk and italic text.